This picture is of my son Drey taken on Belair Beach, Florida in 2010. We were having some fun with the sunset.
Part of the National World War II Memorial in Washington, DC. The gold stars commemorate the more than 400,000 Americans who lost thier lives.
Michael Franti performing at Hookahville 33 at Buckeye Lake Music Center.
These fireworks are from Red, White, and Boom in Columbus, Ohio. They were taken from my office window downtown.
Drey enjoying some popcorn at a Columbus Clippers baseball game.
Streetcars in New Orleans. One of them is even named Desire.
This is a picture of our friend Wes and if you look in his glasses you can see the refection of his girlfirend Eliza. She's now his wife.
Robert Randolph jamming on his steel guitar at Hookahville 23 in 2005.
Man using a torch to cut up railraod tracks.
Eric Lanese of ekoostik hookah behind his kit at Hookahville 23.
This is a picture of my son Devin hanging out in a tree above the Grand Canyon.
Posted on: March 19, 2012 08:13
This was taken at Cantewll Cliffs in Hocking Hills State Park. The mold or moss growing on the side of the cliff naturally looks like a lions head.... Read More
Posted on: September 10, 2011 22:00
This was taken shortly after I met Doug, in Jamaica. I wish I had a better quality photo of this, but in my opinion this shows Doug Dickey as... Read More